Novedades / News April - June 2024

ABRIL celebra la creatividad, es el MES DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS.  Se asignan días de promoción al LIBRO, espacio de desarrollo y emociones...

The Garden Of Women Artists

March is dedicated to art projects based on our women artists community. For this third year in a whole month showcasing pal creations, I am glad to share: "The Garden of Women Artists".

Treasure our Garden with plenty of female figures and flora as unique art to nurture your life, reflecting the spirit, the soul, and the willingness of worldwide women artists.

❇ Take a look at the poster collection, you will find nice nature interactions of the participating artists. 

❇ Visit Rebeca Artblogger's Facebook to appreciate the selected artworks in The Garden Of Women Artists' photo album.  

If you are a WOMAN ARTIST join us. To participate in a new group or in a SOLO show please, inbox Rebeca Artblogger.

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